Perth Upmarket
4 comments Posted by Linda
Domokun Cake

My cake tips are:
I left the cake to cool overnight - even slightly warm and the icing becomes a sloppy mess.
Brush away the crumbs with a pastry brush. Then brush again. Then again.
Think ahead and make sure you have a cake board to put it on! My poor Domo is on my biggest plate - which is a curved side sushi plate - this made him a nightmare to ice. Completely avoidable if I had remembered to buy a board from the local cake shop!
Buy pre-made coloured icing if you can find it. Hand kneading bright red dye? Bad idea - unless red hands are your favoured look. Dont bother with gloves - they stick to to the fondant and pull off.

Poor Domo - being stabbed!
4 comments Posted by Linda
Princess Turns One
0 comments Posted by Linda
Goodbye Isis & Jodie
Princess's two favourite carers, Isis and Jodie have left her daycare. While their replacement is lovely, we cant help but feel a little down.
0 comments Posted by Linda
Birthday Party Plans
0 comments Posted by Linda
About Me: Flickr
The questions are:
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favourite food?
3. What high school did you attend?
4. What is your favourite colour?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favourite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favourite dessert?
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One word to describe you.
12. Your Flickr name.
Here is the result!

0 comments Posted by Linda
Team Rompy - The Founding Member
Anyone looking for a new pet would do well to visit the RSPCA or a shelter near you.
0 comments Posted by Linda
Goodbye Mission Brown Pergola!
So, our house has:
- A small unworkable kitchen
- Mouldy ceilings
- Mismatched carpets
- A green toilet
- Patchy paint
- A wild unusable garden
0 comments Posted by Linda
Come on in!
This will be our way of keeping people up to date with news on our family & renovation project.
0 comments Posted by Linda